Church Activities

AMC 15-Day Turkey-Greece Trip
AMC is organising a 15-Day Turkey - Greece (includes a cruise) trip tracing Apostle Paul’s journey through the book of ACTS to REVELATIONS

Prayer and Praise
Join us every last Friday of the month to seek the welfare of our city, our church and of one another through prayer and praise!

Caleb85 Thursday Fellowship
Calling out to all seniors! You are invited to join our Caleb85 Thursday Fellowship happening on the 22 August 2024.

WSCS Annual General Meeting
Lunch will be provided prior to the meeting. Please register your attendance at the link by 12 August 2024.

GB Fortnight
FSM(P) Girls’ Brigade will be visiting AMC on 4 August 2024, while Girls’ Brigade from FMS(S) will be visiting AMC at 18 August 2024.

Parenting Talk
Come and join our Fellowship@AMC on 13 July 2024. We’ve invited Rev Ronald Yow as our speaker for Parenting Workshop, entrance is free and dinner is provided! Sign up now!

Hi all, looking forward to another time to connect with one another in AMC! Check out these cool activities organised by the following ministries at the next Fellowship@AMC happening on 13 July from 4.30-8pm! Reach out to your friends too! We will be having these options!

MWS Bethany Nursing Home Visitation
We're resuming on-site-in-person befriending at MWS Bethany Nursing Home, Every First Saturday of the month. If you are keen to be a befriended, kindly contact Elaine Tan at 9645 5521.

Alpha Course
Alpha is a journey to seek answers by exploring the Christian faith. Run over 7 weeks on Wednesdays, and 1 Saturday (whole day retreat). We will be meeting onsite in AMC on Wednesday nights at 7PM.

Newcomers Welcome Luncheon
If you are new to our church or started worshipping in AMC since 2024, you are invited!

Fathers’ Day
Our Family Life Ministry has prepared a Father's Day gift for all our dads and those involved in fathering. The gift will be given out during service.

WSCS Hawker Fair
We are looking forward to individuals/cell groups for food contributions, cash donations and participation.

Whole Bible Connections Series
Discover the unbroken narrative woven through the tapestry of Scripture with our enlightening 5-part course, the Whole Bible Connection Series.

Fellowship@AMC -March
Date: 9 March 2024
Time: 4PM-8PM.
Dinner is provided! Kindly register before 2 March 2024, 5PM.

BB Week
The annual BB Week is a fundraising effort by Boys’ Brigade Companies to fund the operations of the BB Company.

First Local Conference
Dear members of the Local Conference, please note that our First Local Conference 2024 is scheduled for Wednesday, 21 February 2024 at 8PM, at The Rev William Denver Stone Hall. All local preachers and hononary stewards are invited to attend the First Local Conference.

Whole-Bible Connections Series
Let's link the timeless truths of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation and witness how the ancient text still speaks powerfully into our lives today.

AMC Lent Prayer
AMC Lent Prayer
Days: Mondays to Fridays
Time: 8PM-8.30PM, starting from 14 February 2024
Zoom Meeting ID: 85351253927
Password: Lent

Chinese New Year Combined Bilingual Service
Kindly take note that during Chinese New Year, we will have only ONE combined bilingual service (English with Mandarin translation) on Chor 2, Sunday, 11 February 2024. The service will start earlier at 9AM.

MWS Bethany Nursing Home Visitation
Every first Saturday of the month, we will be visiting MWS Bethany Nursing Home, bringing joy and care to the residents. Come join us as a volunteer! Should you have any questions about the visitation, kindly contact Elaine Tan at 9645 5521.

WSCS Simple Healthy Exercise (S.H.E)
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, WSCS Simple Healthy Exercise (S.H.E) will be held at AMC Social Hall. Men and women are all welcome, let’s get our body moving!

Youthphoria - Integration Sunday
Youthphoria is organising Integration Sunday on 28 January 2024.

Baptism and Membership Class
Baptism and Membership Classes is opened for registration! Be sure to submit your registration form before 14 January 2024.

Looking forward to another time to connect with one another in AMC! Check out these cool activities organised by our church ministries.

Prayer and Praise
Join us onsite to seek the welfare of our city, our church and one another through prayer and praise. Rev Richard Tan will be sharing God's Word with us on that day.