Whistle-Blowing Policy
Whistle-Blowing Policy
Aldersgate Methodist Church is committed to a high standard of ethical behaviour and sound governance. The Whistle-Blowing Policy is adopted to ensure that staff, volunteers, business partners and other stakeholders would not suffer any detriment, or be fearful of the risk of reprisal, victimization or other adverse repercussions, as a consequence of them raising their concerns in good faith. This Policy complies with the Code of Governance and is intended to provide guidance to those who have concerns about possible irregularities or wrongdoings within the Church.
Some examples of wrongdoing, misconduct or practice that should be reported are:
Accounting, internal controls or financial improprieties;
Frauds, briberies, corruptions, gifts and inducements for personal gain or benefit;
Abuse of power or authority;
Serious conflicts of interest without disclosure.
Should you wish to raise concerns or issues, please submit a report in a sealed envelope marked “Private and Confidential” or send an email to whistleblow@aldersgate.sg and address it to:
Local Church Executive Committee Chairperson & Church Governance Committee Chairperson
Aldersgate Methodist Church
98 Dover Road
Singapore 139647
The report should at least include the following:
Name, designation, if any, and contact;
Specific concern;
Reasons for the concern;
Background and history of the concern; and
If concern has been raised before, with whom and why not satisfactorily resolved.
The identity of whistle blowers will be kept strictly confidential. All matters reported under this Policy will be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated and a response will be given to the whistle blower as soon as possible. To safeguard the confidentiality of the report, any investigation will be conducted in a manner so that the identity of the whistle blower cannot be deduced or inferred unless required by laws to be disclosed to the relevant authority.