We are Aldersgate Methodist Church, strategically located between Fairfield Methodist School (Primary) and Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary). As one of the 21 local churches under the Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC).

Who We Are

Read our stories!

Our Vision


Our Vision is to nurture disciples that follow Christ wholeheartedly.

Our Calling

To Serve

We are called to serve the nations, the Dover community as well as the two Fairfield Schools situated next to us.

Our Focus

Anchor and Abide

Our church focus of the year is to anchor ourselves in the Word and abide in Jesus Christ.

Re-Named to Aldersgate
Methodist Church in 1997

Our Name

Firstly, although the primary purpose of the Pioneer Work was to carry out evangelical work among the residents of Clementi New Town, we never had the opportunity to be physically settled in Clementi.

Secondly, the name “Clementi” was incongruous with our location along Dover Road, and was particularly a challenge for first-time worshippers and taxi drivers trying to locate our Church.

Thirdly, our church building bears the name “Aldersgate Chapel”, causing further confusion to anyone looking for “Clementi Methodist Church”. At a special congregational meeting on April 27, 1997, we were re-named “Aldersgate Methodist Church”, an eponymous reference to John Wesley’s encounter with God’s redeeming love during a house meeting at Aldersgate Street in London in 1738.

On July 1, 1997, the change of name was made official.

With the new name,
a new logo was created.

The logo comprises the letters A and C in the form of a stylized fish and a cross. The fish was an important symbol of Christian presence and witness in the early Church. It also reminds us of Jesus’ call to His disciples to become “fishers of men”.

We are

A vibrant community of believers passionate about knowing and loving God.

Our core belief is that a person's primary purpose is to cultivate a deep, personal relationship with our Creator, which fuels our mission and conviction. We believe God is good and desires everyone to experience His goodness. Our church is a haven for individuals seeking to grow in their love for God as fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Whether you're just starting your faith journey or seeking a spiritual home, you belong here! Join us this Sunday, and let's grow together in our love for God and each other.